Sunday, January 7, 2007

Words From the Self: On the subject of sin

"You are perfect.

There is no sin, save the belief IN sin, which holds that you and I can be thrust apart. And even this is not sin, but an error. Verily, verily I say unto you, there is no error you can make that would warrant you being "cast out of Eden." To punish you for your mistakes would be like a parent punishing a child for tumbling to the ground while it is learning how to walk. The child will have mastered walking when it ceases to fall. And you will have attained Selfhood when you cease to make errors.

This may sound as if it is the height of all arrogance to proclaim your perfection. You may liken it to the sin of Lucifer ("Lucifer" being one of many symbols you have made upon which to project your self-hate so that you may bear it more easily). "How vain," you may cry, "To assert humanity's perfection when the whole world bears witness to the contrary!"

But I tell you this: all the so-called "evils" of the world occur precisely because humanity will not see that My perfection is in it. The things over which you fight, steal, maim, manipulate and murder in order to "get" arise out of fear, the belief that there is something within you that you lack, whether it be fame, fortune, love . . . it matters not what the idol is. That you believe posessing something outside of yourself will be the catalyst for your completion is truly the root of all error..

To the contrary, it is arrogance to believe that you are NOT perfect! If you or your brother or sister have sinned then I have failed, for I created the both of you. Thus, you make mock of Me and all my creation. The world of despair that you now perceive is your statement to Me that you have stolen power away from Me and created something unlike what I am. Only in the eyes of the fearful can your brothers and sisters "commit" sin. Only in the eyes of the fearful is hell even a possibility. And only in the eyes of the fearful can My greatest gift to you--your perfection--be sacrilege to accept.

I know the truth about who and what you are. I know that you are holy. I know that you are Love Manifest. I know that My will is your will. Right now, you are as one who staggers blindly through a nightmare. It is only in nightmares that your worst imaginings about yourself are possible. But when you wake up, you breathe a sigh of a relief, knowing it was all a dream.

Any view you hold of yourself that is anything but that of pure grandeur and complete perfection is a nightmare come true. The choice to end the nightmare is in your hands. I will not interfere with you, because to do so would be to teach you that your choices do not matter. But I stand at the ready, for I am able to assist you in bringing you out of the nightmare and into waking life. Merely make the choice for Selfhood, and I will fly to you in an instant--or rather, it will have seem that I have "flown" to you, for in truth, I am always with you.

Always, and in all ways."

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