Sunday, January 7, 2007

The Parable of the Parable

One day, she who called herself "The Anointed One" taught a huge crowd the mysteries of life. A woman in the crowd raised her hand and said, "Master, what is the kingdom of heaven like?"

The Master said, "There was once a man who was renowned for writing the greatest parables that the world had ever seen. They were full of wisdom and truth, so that when people heard them, they laughed and wept, for their minds were enlightened as to the true meaning of joy and sorrow--some were even inspired to write parables of their own. On the eve of his death, this man wrote all his parables down in a book, which was passed on from generation to generation, so that even when he had finally passed on to the next world, his essence remained on the earth till the end of time. Anyone who has ears to hear, let them hear."

When the Master left the crowd, one of her disciples came to her and said, "Master, explain to me the meaning of your parable. The scent of truth is in it; let me taste it, so that I may be filled."

So the Messiah said, "The parable teller is God and the book written near the end of his life is the Universe. As the words of a parable are the form through which the mind of the author extends itself, so is the universe the form through which the Mind of God lives and breathes. It is in this way that you are the living Word of God made flesh."

The disciple grew fearful and said, "Master, surely this is blasphemy. There is only one God, and he is in heaven. And there is only one living Word, and he is called Jesus Christ of Nazareth!"

"I seek not to do my own will," responded the Master, "but to do the will of She who sent me. I have given you the key to the door. Call it blasphemy and cast it from you. Or call it truth and open the door to see what lies inside.The matter is between you and the One who dwells within you. I shall not interfere."

The Master continued walking as the disciple stood still, watching her disappear into the distance. After a moment, he began to follow her once again.

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