Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Words From the Self: The Call

Thus spoke the great "I AM" to the sons and daughters of humankind:

Rise, prophets! Rise, soothsayers! Rise, leaders and visionaries! Your time is now. Step into the inheritance that belongs rightfully to you, and all that you will shall be accomplished. The world tells you that your Voice is too small to be heard, but within you is a Light so grand and magnificent in strength that not even the gates of hell can stand against it. Verily, verily, I say unto you, ask, and you shall receive. Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and the door shall be opened unto you.

There is no great Enemy, no Satan, no deceiver. Your only "enemy"is the darkness within your own heart, which you have thrown a veil over and tried to deny, transforming it into the demons that now haunt you. Your worst nightmares, your deepest fears, these are the things that you believe stand between you and the Light. But these fears are but illusions, dreams within a dream. Nothing can stand between you and the Light, for verily, verily I say unto you, you ARE the Light. And the Light is eternal, because Its Source is eternal. The Source of the Light and the Light itself cannot be separated, because they are One.

All forgiveness is yours. All love is yours. All perfection, all holiness, all beauty, all strength, all wisdom, all knowledge, all hope, all joy, all faith . . .these things are yours, because they are what you ARE.

I AM in you. In this knowledge, find peace and rejoice.

1 comment:

Sadiq said...

Beloved brother and friend on path.

i was touched by your words left in my blog's comment. i wish you a very happy journey and transformation.

as you said, you felt the energy of God's hand pushing you along the paht, know my friend you are not alone! God has bestowed His Infinite Grace to many in exactly the same manner.

Pls don't be afraid. Smile and be in bliss, because you have been just been touched by the Beloved who embrace us all, all the time, but enable few to understand this.

you are one of them!

i will look forward to know more from u and learn from u.

peace be upon you.

your friend and brother,
almost nobody,