Sunday, January 7, 2007


"And it has always come to pass that what you have wished upon your brother and sister, you have wished on yourself."

The Light within me feels but a flicker of its true nature. And so I have committed my Self to seeing the Light in my siblings, hoping that seeing their Light will bring about recognition of my own.

The fear comes in waves now, but my mind has grown accustomed to its presence, and I hear the gentle Voice of Truth showing me which thoughts are loving and which are fearful. There have been breakthroughs the last couple of days, when I, in one holy instant, believed that where was nothing to fear, and, against all reason, reached for the horizon of the mind and hit a breakthrough and suddenly felt myself overwhelmed with a feeling that is indescribable: all I can say is that there was so much peace and so much love that immediately my heart grew fearful and I retreated back into the darkness. There, the guilt set in, as I felt both hatred towards myself for withdrawing, thereby making myself an enemy of peace, as well as deep longing to experiecing it again, the moment when my mind was one with that which was an even greater, GREATER mind. The Great Mind.

And still, I hear the Voice say, "You are not asked to seek for love, but to seek all the barriers within yourself that would keep love out. For Love is Truth, and how can the Truth be sought, when Truth is all there is? Truth stands alone and needs no witness because it is its own witness. You must identify the areas of your learning that you are trying to control and LET THEM GO. Do you not understand that the very "you" that you think is in control is the grandest illusion of all? Illusions cannot control illusions, but Truth can reveal an illusion for what it is."

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