Saturday, December 23, 2006

New blog

No diss to MySpace, but I needed a change of scenery, a new beginning if you will. I plan on maintaining the MySpace blog as well ( ...I think. We'll see how that goes.

As for the title of this blog...

I believe that the times we live in are anything but ordinary. The world that we live in is but a shadow of ultimate reality. Within all of us is this innate awareness than we more than just a conglomeration of flesh and bones. We are spirit. We are children of the living God, the Father and Mother, the Great All, the Force, Allah, Yahweh, the Man Upstairs, the Lady in Charge.

Why we have forgotten this knowledge is a matter of much debate, but in any case, due to various influences and forces that have come across my path, I feel I owe it to myself and my fellow brothers and sisters to remember it, learn what I can and pass on what I have experienced to others who are interested. I feel that this is the essence of prophecy.

In the grand scheme of things, I know very little, but I do know this. The world is in bad shape and is in desperate need of prophets. I sometimes hear people say, "Man, we need another Martin or Malcolm X or Gandhi." Or, "Wouldn't it be great if Jesus or Buddha came back?" Well, unfortuately, as wonderful as that would be, they aren't coming back...they fulfilled their respective missions, and now they've moved on to something greater, presumably.

The good news is that these people tapped into something that we all share. They were no different from the average person; they simply believed that humankind was capable of so much more. That innate goodness, that inner Divinity, that God Self, whatever you want to call's in all of us. Each of us has the potential to become a Mother Theresa or a Hitler, a devil or an angel. It's not a matter of capability. It's a matter of choice.

I am by no means a perfect man. But I do strive to manifest fully the part of me that is perfect. This blog is a tool to help me do so. And hopefully, it will aid you, the reader, in either recognizing or reinforcing your own true Self and living it to the fullest. My blessings and my love are yours. Rise, Prophet!

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